When we got to the hotel we ordered domino's pizza. Nothing had ever tasted so good. We were starving! And it was 1:00 in the morning, and they were the only restaurant open - and thank goodness for delivery - that way we didn't have to leave our room. HeHe!We were up bright and early the next morning and all excited for Yellowstone! (Matt hadn't been since he was very little, and was way excited.)
We arrived in Yellowstone at about noon, and decided we would head right to the bear and wolf exhibit. There was a ginormous grizzly in one pen that walked right up to the fence - and just plopped down to watch everyone that was watching him. It was funny - and way neat to see one so close. The wolves were super lazy and were all asleep.
We spent the next few days driving around in the park where, unfortunately, we didn't see any animals besides elk and a couple of buffalo. And no males, just the does, but a few fawns which was neat. We were really disappointed.
Matt did a lot of fishing while we were there. I spent a lot of time getting eaten by mosquitoes. That was a lot of fun.
We spent a lot of time walking around town and shopping, and eating huckleberry icecream, which is Matt's new favorite.
We stayed in a cute little cabin in town, and yes, we did spend a lot of time there.
A couple of days into the trip I started to not feel so well, I had a hard time sleeping, my back hurt badly, and a few other things. After a completely sleepless night Monday night before we went home, I'd had it, and decided to go to the clinic the next morning. So I was at their door at 8:00 when they opened, and found out that I had a roaring kidney infection. After taking some horse pills and getting a couple shots in my backside (that hurt bad!) I returned to the cabin to pack up and go home. I'd had it.
We did stop and go to Bear World on the way home. That was a lot of fun. We saw black bears, grizzly bears, baby bears, wolves, moose, elk, albino elk, buffalo, birds, and a whole petting zoo of animals. We stopped and had lunch and fed bread to the ducks, and food to the fish. Matt wanted to pull out his fishing pole, but I told him I didn't think that was a very good idea. LOL!
Sounds like a fun time! We love Yellowstone!